MOESK Сompletes Electrification of Some Schools and Kindergartens

A school in Greater Moscow Area

In the run-up to the Day of Knowledge the Moscow United Electric Grid Company (MOESK) has improved the quality of power supply of a number of children’s educational institutions of Moscow region.
In the capital this activity in accordance with the investment program of the company was carried out by a branch of OJSC Moscow United Electric Grid Company — Moscow Cable Network s (MCN), which was fulfilling among other things the order of the Government of Moscow «On extraordinary measures to eliminate queues to public preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education «.

Thus, in the north-west of the city a modular integrated transformer substation of 630 kVA was built to supply the kindergarten for 200 places located in the Lykovskaya street. It has four feeder cable lines 10 kV of 350 m each. The main students of the institution will become children of large families living in a specialized complex nearby.

In the south-east of Moscow, to improve the power supply of the reconstructed children’s educational institutions with 220 seats in the Zelenodolskaya street 10 low voltage assemblies (SB-10) in 16 local assemblies were replaced at the existing transformer substation. The terminations at 0.4 kV cable lines were replaced. The cabinets of the automatic switching over to a reserve source were replaced with the modern, more reliable and compact ones. The works, carried out in accordance with the schedule, will improve the power supply not only in this children’s institution, but also in the surrounding area of Kuzminki.

In the 34th district of Pechatnikov a power transformer substation was built to provide power supply to a school, the two cable lines 0.4 kV were laid for this purpose.

In the north-eastern district of Moscow, in the 52nd district of Marfino the transformer substation, which supplies electricity to a secondary school was reconstructed. At the substation flameproof dry transformers with the capacity of 1000 kVA were installed instead of oil ones of 400 kVA.
In the Palekhskaya street, at a transformer substation supplying energy to children’s educational institutions, as well as in the Marfino school the substation equipment was replaced with new-to-date one according to a special project.

At present the site improvements are being carried out on the listed objects.

The complex of works to increase the reliability of power supply of children’s educational institutions was carried out in the Greater Moscow Area as well. The branch of JSC «Moscow United Electric Grid Company» — Southern Electric Networks in the Chekhov district made the reconstruction of 6 kV overhead line, which supplies electricity to the special school in the village of Skurygino for children and adolescents with deviant behavior. In the course of the reconstruction the transmission poles were repaired, and the wires were replaced with the self-supporting insulated one.

In the district of Vostryakovo of the urban district of Domodedovo the Southern Electric Networks built and put into operation a new transformer substation (SS) 2×630 kVA with the gas-insulated equipment, which replaced a less powerful SS 1h400kVA, to supply a school and a new kindergarten, designed for 120 children.

The works completed by MOESK work will not only allow to open new educational institutions in the capital and in the region, but also to ensure the reliable operation of the full range of electric equipment in the coming autumn and winter period.

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