Moscow Region Authorities Want to Have More Gas Suppliers

The authorities of the Moscow region approved of the draft regulations according to which the gas for the needs of the population of the region will be delivered by three suppliers instead of one, which will enable mitigating risks associated with the gas supply irregularities.

Earlier the Moscow region has only one company which supplied its residents with petroleum gas.
“The draft resolution of the Moscow regional government will enable extending the list of organizations, which supply gas to the population of the Moscow region for household needs at controlled prices. And thus it will eliminate the risks of shortfalls in its delivery” the chairman of the fuel and energy committee of the Moscow region Tsyren-Dorzhi Tsagadaev said at the meeting of the regional government.

Within the fortnight after the regulation has been adopted the three appointed organizations are to direct to the Economy Ministry of the region a package of documents grounding the regulation of retail prices on petroleum gas, which is sold to the households.

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