Net Profit of Lenenergo for Six Months Decreased Four Times

In January-June 2012 JSC «Lenenergo» received 297 056 000 rubles of net profit under RAS, which is 4 times lower than in 2011 (1.209 billion rubles.), according to the data from the profit and loss report of the energy company.
The revenue for the 1st half-year amounted to 17.240 billion rubles, which is by 7.9% lower than in 2011 (18.727 billion rubles.).
The cost of sales decreased by 0.77% — up to 16.060 billion rubles from 16.185 billion rubles a year earlier.
The profits from sales of the power company totaled 2.542 billion rubles, a decrease of 53.6% as compared with 2011 (1.179 billion rubles).
The gross profit decreased by 53.6% — up to 1.179 billion rubles from 2.542 billion rubles a year earlier.

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