Net Profit of Samaranefteproduct for 9 Months Remains on 2010 Level

The net profit of OAO Samaranefteproduct (a subdivision of Rosneft) according to the Russian Accounting Standards for the nine months of 2011 comprised 499.431 million rubles which corresponds to the same period of 2010.

In the third quarter of 2011 the net profit of the enterprise according to the Russian Accounting Standards comprised 349.003 million rubles which is 5.8 times as much as in the second quarter of 2011. This is stated in the records of the enterprise.

In the first half-year period of 2011 the net profit of Samaranefteproduct according to the Russian Accounting Standards comprised 150.428 million rubles thus for the nine months of 2011 this parameter comprised 499.431 million rubles.

The increase in profit in the third quarter of 2011 against the second quarter of 2011 is explained by the gross revenue growth.

OAO Samaranefteproduct is an oil products selling company in the Samara region.

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