Novokuznetsk Receives Power Supply to Full Extent

At present the high-voltage power line is on-load, operates nominally. All the social facilities of Novokuznetsk and the Novokuznetsk district, household consumers, agro-industrial enterprises receive power supply to the full extent.

It should be reminded that today, on October 19 at 07:28 local time the load-carrying vehicle belonging to an outside organization, broke the lower cables while driving past the southern side of the West Siberian Metallurgical Complex under the power lines with its bed uplifted.

This resulted in the temporary restriction in the power supply of some groups of consumers in the town of Novokuznetsk. The power grid engineers promptly embarked on the restoration of the damaged line. The emergency operations center headed by the chief engineer of the IDGC of Siberia Evgeniy Mitkin was working at the site. The two brigades of the high voltage lines service of Kuzbassenergo-Distribution Zone, under the supervision of the deputy head of the line service Evgeniy Uvarov, the foremen Andrei Cherkasov and Alexey Lyapin managed to restore the cable at the high voltage power line in short terms, completing the restoration works an hour ahead of schedule.

During emergency restoration works the ventilation and drainage facilities of the local stock breeding complex received power supply from the four diesel-generators, which had been urgently delivered from the subdivisions of the branch. There was a close cooperation with MES of Siberia, the administration of the Novokuznetsk district and the municipal first responders.

Upon the fact of the unauthorized activities in the protected zone of the power line WSMC – Erunakovskaya the branch of IDGC of Siberia – Kuzbassenergo – Distribution Zone submitted a complaint to the police. The law enforcement agents are working with the persons responsible for this accidents.

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