Permenergo Creates 24 Mobile Teams for Prompt Emergency Response Actions

Since September 10 2012 the commissions responsible for admitting the production units to the autumn-winter season start their work in the branch of OAO IDGC of Urals – Permenergo. The first to undergo the inspection of their preparedness towards the winter season are Bereznikovskiye and Ocherskiye electrical grids.

The preparation of the power grid complex of Permenergo towards the winter maximum load includes carrying out the maintenance and investment programs, as well as organizational activities, such as additional staff training, emergency response training, formation of a necessary emergency reserve.

The maintenance of the main equipment in the responsibility zone of Permenergo comprised 101% of the 8 months plan. The total amount of investment into the maintenance program for this period was 289 million rubles. Its total amount in 2012 is to comprise 455 million rubles.

The power girds carried out the capital maintenance of the 15 substation 35-110 Kv, located in Perm, in the Krasnokamskiy, Dobryanskiy, Gremyachinskiy, Gornozavodskoy, Kungurskiy, Lysvenskiy, Bolshesosnovskiy, Chastinskiy, Gaynskiy districts.

Besides, for the 8 months of this year the Perm Territory saw the repairs of 420 transformer substation and distribution points, of over 1600 km of power transmission lines 6-110 kV, the clearing of power lines routes in the total area of over 2500 hectares.
With the aim of carrying out the prompt emergency response actions, 24 mobile teams were created. The staff is equipped with the special uniform, special devices and custom vehicles, as well as with satellite communication terminals. The mobile diesel power station are brought to the state of alert.
The execution of all the scheduled activities will allow Permenergo to provide the quality and stable power supply of the consumers in the Perm Territory in the autumn-winter period.

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