Permenergo Starts Assembling Power Equipment at Pal’niki Substation in Dobryanskiy District

 assembling part of a turbine generator at a power station

assembling part of a turbine generator at a power station

The new substation will be equipped with the new transformers with the capacity of 40 MVa each. At present the power engineers are embarking on their assembling at the prepared subconstructions.

The construction of the substation 110/35/6kv Pal’nyki is presupposed by the cooperation agreement between the government of the Perm Territory and OAO IDGC of Urals.

It should be reminded that the construction of the new power facility together with the overhead power transmission lines with the voltage of 110 kv, 35 kv and 6 kv will allow to increase the stability of the power supply of the existing consumers in the resort area of Demidkovo, will enable connecting the new villa development on the right bank of the river of Chusova.

The total amount of funding the construction of the substation Pal’niki together with the power lines will comprise about 550 million rubles.

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