Power Engineers of Khakassia Compile Consumer Rating

On the verge of the heating season the largest energy selling company of the republic OAO Khakasenergosbyt starts publishing the rating of the consumers (legal bodies) in the region at its official web-site.

At present OAO Khakasenergosbyt provides its services for about 5 thousand legal bodies and sole proprietors – these are large industrial enterprises, communal structures, the organizations of the social sphere etc. To ensure the efficient activities and profitability of the consumers of OAO Khakasenergosbyt, to ensure the operation of hospitals and schools, to make the houses of the residents of Khakassia warm and cozy the power engineers guarantee stable energy supply. But this is only possible on the condition of the timely payment for energy sources. This is particularly important on the eve of the autumn-winter season, because the payment discipline of the consumers is the basis of the successful transition through the period of the peak load of the energy system.

The information, published in the Consumer Rating section will enable the objective judgment on the execution of the contract responsibilities on the energy sources payment by all the participants of the retail electrical energy market of Khakassia. The top-list of energy debtors will be useful both for the authorities and supervisory bodies (it will be possible to see how this or that enterprise or organization pays for electricity), and for the physical bodies (the checkout on how timely the payments for electricity are made to the managing company). It should be emphasized that the rating is to be updated on a monthly basis, which will allow to see the dynamics of debt settling or debt accumulation by the most notorious non-payers of the republic.

The list of debtors in the new section is separated according to the sector (the enterprises-suppliers of communal resources; the enterprises, which provide communal resources; the state-budgeted organizations and enterprises, industrial sector, agriculture , which is very convenient for obtaining and analyzing reference information.

Besides, Consumer Rating will give the website visitors the possibility to familiarize themselves with the list of the most disciplined consumers of the company, which are the reliable support of the power engineers in their work on providing the stable power consumption of the region.

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