Power Grids of Bashkiria Pass “Thunderstorm Test”

The central, southern and western areas of the Republic of Bashkortostan have seen the first thunderstorms. They showed that the power grid complex of OAO Basshkirenergo is well-prepared to nasty weather conditions.

OOO Bashkirtostan Distribution Zone and OOO Bashkirtostan Power Grid Company – the subsidiaries of the holding – had the scheduled testing, inspections and examinations of the equipment at the power lines and substations last year.

The residents of the southern districts of the Bashkirtostan capital faced a severe thunderstorm accompanied by squally wind and a downpour with hail. During the period of nine minutes the ligntnings caused 3 disconnections of overhead power transmission lines (OPTL) 110 KW “Ufa-Yuzhnaya-Shaksha-1” and “Beketovo-Ufa-Yuzhnaya-Zelenaya”. But the boisterous weather could not interfere with the power supply of Ufa due to the faultless operation of the switching facilities at all the substations of the Bashkir company “Ufa-Yuzhnaya” and “Beketovo”.

The automatic equipment at the facilities of the Bashkir Distribution Grids also functioned trouble-free. The thunderstorm in Ufa caused the disconnection, which was followed by the immediate automatic re-connection to the overhead power line 110 KW “Dema-Raevka” and “Krasnodonskaya-Glumilino, III chain”. As a result of the falling tree on of the feeders of the substation “Flowers of Bashkiria” switched off for a short while, however it was promptly put in operation.

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