Repairs of One of Basic Substations 110 kV, «Promzona» Started in Belorechensk

The engineers of Adygei electric grids of JSC «Kubanenergo» (a subsidiary operating company of OAO «IDGC Holding») began a comprehensive repair of the substation 110 kV «Promzone» in the Belorechensk district of the Krasnodar region.

In the process of repairs the engineers are planning to perform routine repairs of the two power transformers of 110 kV voltage class and with the total capacity of 20 MVA (megavoltamper) and two auxiliary transformers with the total capacity of 126 KVA (kilovoltamper).

Along with this the two sets of line traps and voltage transformers of 110 kV, and 3 sets of current transformers of the same voltage class will undergo repairs. Besides, the routine repairs of the two sets of voltage transformers 10 kV, 2 sets of surge arresters, and three 110 kV circuit breakers.

In addition, the substation will see the major repairs of sections 2 and 8 of bus disconnectors with the voltage class 110 kV, the two sections of buses and 23 cells of complete outdoor switchgear with 15 oil switches of 10 kV voltage class.

Upon completion of the technical activities the painting works of power equipment and the layout of the area will be carried oat the substation. The total cost of comprehensive repairs at the substation will amount to about a million rubles.

The substation «Promzone» provides the power for industrial and domestic consumers in the town of Belorechensk, as well as the villages of Rodniki and Vostochny in the Belorechensk district.

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