Retrofitting of Substation 220 KW Kineshma in Ivanovo Region Starts

MES of Center save commences on the retrofitting of the substation 220 KW Kineshma. Be the end of this year the power facility is to be fitted with the most modern electrical equipment.

Within the framework of upgrading it is planned to replaced the outdated switching equipment of the two cubicles 220 KW of the substation 220 KW Kineshma with the modern, highly reliable, hope-produced one. There are also plans to carry out the replacement of the relay protection and automation equipment, to construct a new building for the convection superheater, to upgrade the security systems.

Taking into account the utter importance of the substation 220 KW Kineshma for the region, all the works are to be conducted in the conditions of the running power facility, without disconnecting the consumers.
The substation 220 KW Kineshma was commissioned in 1978. Its total transformer capacity is 250 MWA. The stable, no-break operation of the substation 220 KW provides the stability of power supply for the town of Kineshma – the second largest one in the Ivanovo region in terms of population and the volumes of industrial production, a considerable part of the consumers in the north-eastern areas of the Ivanovo region as well as the southern districts of the Kostroma region.

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