Rosatom to Turn its Moscow Office into Exemplary Energy Efficient Building

Rosatom Corporation is going to turn its headquarters in Moscow into the exemplary energy efficient building. This project execution will cost 42.5 million Russian rubles.

Generally the state corporation would like to “cut our enterprises’ expenditure on energy resources by means of using energy efficient technologies”. In 2009 Rosatom spent 25.2 billion rubles on energy resources, and by the end of 2015 this amount is planned to be reduced by 25% by means of implementing energy efficiency programs. In 2011 this expenditure is planned to be reduced by 10%. “The activities that are being carried out in Rosatom deserve only positive evaluation and are worth being taken as an example”, — V. Bukhmirov, the director of the Resource Center “Energy Saving” says with assurance.

Bukhmirov reminded that the increase in energy efficiency of an enterprise is dictated by the law “On Energy Saving”. According to the expert’s estimate on average the energy efficiency measures result in saving 10-30% of fuel and energy resources compared to the basic level of energy consumption. The expert points out that “implementing the first programs in the sphere of energy saving and therefore saving the resources are quite a realistic task”. “The main problem is to keep up the energy efficiency parameters at the necessary level”, — Vladimir Bukhmirov emphasized.

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