RusHydro Buys 27.21% of Yakutskenergo

ОАО Federal Hydrogenerating company RusHydro bought 27.21% of OAO Yakutskenergo shares. This is announced in the statement of RusHydro, the press-service of which refused to name the source of obtaining the batch of shares.

Presumably the shares used to belong to two Cyprus off-shore companies Madake Enterprises Company Limited and Donalink Limited, the beneficiaries of which have not been yet identified.

The installed electric power of Yakutskenergo exceeds 2 051 MW, the installed thermic power is over 2 287 gigacalories. The registered capital of Yakutskenergo comprises 9.2 billion rubles, the total number of the common stock issued by the company is 7 821 264 840 shares with the nominal value of 1 ruble, the total number of the preferred capital stock – 1 370 042 264 shares with the nominal value of 1 ruble.

47.39% of the company’s stock belongs to RAO Energy System of the East, 1.54% — to the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for the Administration of State Property (Rosimushchestvo), 0.99% are owned by the Ministry of Property Relations of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

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