RusHydro Managing Board Regular Meeting to Take Place on September 2

ОАО RusHydro (RTS, MICEX, LSE: HYDR; OTCQX: RSHYY) announces that the regular meeting of the company’s managing board will take place on September 2, 2011.

The agenda of the board meeting includes the following items:

1. On the approval of the internal documents of the Company:

1.1 On Confirmation of the Technical Policy of OAO RusHydro.

2. On defining the position of OAO RusHydro (the representatives of OAO RusHydro) on the issue of the agendas for the regulatory bodies of the affiliated and captive companies:

2.1 On defining the position of OAO RusHydro (the representatives of OAO RusHydro) on the issue of the agendas for the regulatory bodies of OAO ESC RusHydro: “On OAO ESC RusHydro participation in OOO ESC Bashkortontan” (on purchasing a share in the registered capital)”.

2.2 On defining the position of OAO RusHydro (the representatives of OAO RusHydro) on the issue of the agendas for the regulatory bodies of OAO ESC RusHydro: “Om approval of the revenue intensive transaction by OAO ESC RusHydro”.

3. On approval of the transactions made by the Company:

3.1 On approval of the loan agreement which amount is bound to the foreign currency exchange rate, signed by OAO RusHydro and OAO ESC RusHydro. The information of the meeting outcomes is to be disclosed in due order.

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