It is obvious that in 2011 Russia is going to cede the leading position in gas production to the USA again. According too the published information in the first 9 months of 2011 Russia produced 490.5 billion cubic meters of gas while the “USA — 505.4 billion cubic meters.
According to the information from the Central Control Administration of the Fuel and Energy Complex in the 11 month of this year Russia produced about 608.159 billion cubic meters of natural gas. The USA produced over 620 billion cubic meters of natural gas for the 10 month of 2010 only.
As the experts point out, the gas production in the Russian Federation is inferior to the American level due to the fact that the USA is actively penetrating the European market which is the major one for Russia. At the same time the United States are not selling at the global market their home-produced natural gas, they are selling the imported one. In fact the United States are acting as a reseller, cutting their own consumption of the imported fuel by means of increasing the shale gas production. It was in 2006 after the active shale deposits exploration started when a spike in the natural gas production in the USA occurred.
It should be reminded that starting from 2009 Russia has been giving in the leading position in the global gas production to the USA. The outcomes of the 12 months showed then that the gas production in the Russian Federation has fallen by 12.4% — from 644.999 billion cubic meters to 582.353 billion cubic meters due to the fall in the global gas consumption caused by the global crisis.
In August this year it was reported that Russia is to produce the record volume of natural gas by the end of 2011. According to the forecasts the gas production was to comprise about 671 billion cubic meters which is by 3.4% more than the volume of the last year and almost by 1% more than the previous historical peak of 2008 (665 billion cubic meters). It is also expected that by 2014 the gas production in the Russian Federation may rise to 741 billion cubic meters.
Метки: gas, Russian energy industry news
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