Russia May Give Ukraine Integration Discount on Gas

On August 24 President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev made a statement about the willingness of the government of the Russian Federation to apply an integration discount to the gas exported to the Republic of Ukraine on condition that Kyiv comes up with mutually beneficent economic proposals.

President Medvedev believes that the terms of the gas contract with Ukraine signed earlier must be met to the full extent by both parties but in the light of the future agreements the government of Russia is ready to consider different options. According to him other (than existing now) forms of cooperation will be brought to discussion if the Ukrainian side manages to get their gas partner interested.

Dmitry Medvedev reminded that the Republic of Belarus received an integration discount after entering the Customs Union and selling Beltransgaz to Russia. This is the road the Ukrainian authority should take the president noted. On August 23, the participants of the negotiations with the Republic of Belarus including the Minenergo of Russia the Chairman of the Government Vladimir Putin gave a task of preparing – after the discussion with the authorities of Belarus – an integration coefficient for reducing the price for Russian gas and agree upon the customs duty on the oil and oil products of Russia exported from the territory of Belarus.

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