Russia Ready to Join Earth Hour

On March 31 2012 the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is to hold the annual Earth Hour. During one hour all the people who joined this initiative will switch off their electrical devices in order to show the huge potential that energy saving has. This year the event was added special features such as I Will If You Will challenges, which mean that participants put forward various initiatives (I will – ‘jump into the ice-hole”, “dance an exotic dance”, “sing in the street”, “shave my head” etc) in exchange for the actions on the part of the “audience” having an environmental and energy-saving sense.
The event has gained quite a reputation in the Russian Federation so far, hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens join the Earth Hour every year. 2012 remind you, that the event was first held in Australia in 2007, and immediately got a global support. According to the statistical data of the WWF, the Earth Hour of the recent years has attracted up to a billion people all over the world, which makes this energy-saving event one of the most mass-scale ones in the history of humankind.
The Earth Hour 2012is to take place on 31.03.2012, on the last Saturday of March, from 20:30 to 21:30 local time.

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