Ryazanenergo Replaced 19.8 km of Wire with Wire of Larger Section at Overhead Power Transmission Lines – 0.4-10 KW

In accordance with the schedule of the investment program and the program of energy saving and raising energy efficiency this year the branch Ryazanenergo conducted the works on replacing 19.8 km of wire with the wire of larger section at the overloaded lines 0.4-6-10 KW, mounted 179 branches to the houses using the self-supporting insulated conductor, which would prevent from throwing-ons and thefts of electricity.

The works have been conducted in Klepikovskiy, Spaaskiy, Ryazanskiy, Zakharovskiy, Skopinskiy, Shilovskiy and Ermishinskiy districts. During the summer period the scheduled wire replacement for the wire with larger section, branches mounting to the houses with the use of the self-supporting insulated conductor are to be carried out in Korablisnkiy, Novodrerevenskiy, Shatskiy, Sasovskiy, Pitelinskiy, Kadomskiy, Chuchkovskiy districts. Conducting the above mentioned works ensures the reduction of losses in the grids, raising the transmission capacitance of the overhead power lines, energy-efficiency and the stability of electricity supply for the consumers.

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