Skolkovo Innovation Center Intends to Invest 900 million Rubles into Energy-Saving Projects

Before the end of 2011 the Skolkovo Innovation Center intends to invest 900 million rubles into the execution of projects in the sphere of energy efficiency and energy-saving.

The head of the cluster of energy efficiency technologies Skolkovo Ekaterina Dyachenko says that at present the industry has 105 projects in operation, out of which 15 received the funding of the total amount of about 700 million rubles. Before the end of the year another 5-6 projects are to receive financial support.

The head of the energy efficiency cluster estimates that another 100 new participants of the cluster are to appear in 2012, the amount of financing remaining at the level of 2011.
According to Dyachenko, the medium size of investment which is necessary for an energy-saving project comprises 1-2 million American dollars. The call for applications was announced in December 2010.

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