Sochi: More Than 70 Cases of Damage to Cables Caused by Builders

Such injuries very often take place in the Adler district of Sochi, where the large-scale construction work is being carried out.

The administration of Sochi held a meeting under the chairmanship of Mayor Anatoly Pakhomov, in which the representatives of the branch of «Kubanenergo» Sochi power grids and the construction organizations that are responsible for damage to electrical cables during construction works.

Such injuries very often take place in the Adler district of Sochi, where the large-scale construction work is being carried out. For example, only this year the employees of LLC «Inzhtransmonolit» have damaged the cable line that feeds electricity to the state-owned farm «Russia» and part of the Imereti Valley ten times . The representatives of «Black Sea Construction Company», which is responsible for damaging the cable line in Adler twice during last year. The representatives of the organization sis not show up to the meeting.

The cables are repeatedly damaged because the design documentation that guides construction companies, is not consistent with «Kubanenergo», and in the representatives of the grid company are not invited to the staff of the operating organization. In addition, builders worsen the situation by not reporting the damage to the Sochi power grids and even leaving the damaged site in order to avoid the responsibility.

The mayor of Sochi Anatoly Pakhomov asked the builders to agree with the route of the cable line with «Kubanenergo» and take it into account when carrying out ground works. In addition, the power grids of Sochi made a commitment to promptly restore the backup line, which will enhance the reliability of power farm «Russia» and the Imereti Valley at their own expense.

It should be reminded that in the first half of 2012 there were more than 70 cases of damage to the cables of «Kubanenergo» during the earthworks construction companies. Such works are causing serious damage to the reliability of power supply for the residents of the Adler and the Central districts of Sochi.

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