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Belarus Reaches Agreement on Peat Deliveries with Swedish Vattenfall

Belarus Reaches Agreement on Peat Deliveries with Swedish  Vattenfall

The visit of the delegation of the production association Bertopgaz and the subordinate Belorussian peat briquette plants to Sweden with the aim of participating in the International Peat Congress -2012 is taking place on June 4-6 under the assistance of the Embassy of Belarus in Sweden. This was reported by the press-service of the Ministry […]

Fourth Biofuel Forum to Take Place in Ukraine

Fourth Biofuel Forum to Take Place in Ukraine

April 25 – 26 2012 are the dates for the Fourth Biofuel Forum, which is to take place in Kiev, Ukraine. The event has lately become traditional for the biofuel industry in the post-USSR area and in Europe and in one of the main events in the East-European market of biofuel. UBF-2102 is first and […]

Experimental Biofuel Boiler House to be Commissioned in Novosibirsk Region

Experimental Biofuel Boiler House to be Commissioned in Novosibirsk Region

According to the press-service of the government of Novosibirsk region, a pilot launch of the first boiler of a new experimental boiler house which would run on bio fuel. The press-release says that the test was successful which is confirmed by the head of the Regional Department of Natural Resources and Environmental protection Yuriy Marchenko. […]

Bioenco Signs Cooperation Agreement with Finnish VAPO OY

Bioenco Signs  Cooperation Agreement with Finnish VAPO OY

Following the negotiations that took place in Finland and in Moscow as well as the Finnish experts’ visit to the Russian enterprises, the Bioenco Energy Corporation signed an agreement with the Finnish-based concern VAPO OY. The agreement on strategic cooperation presupposes the participation of VAPO OY in various projects of Bioenco, the import of modern […]

Russian Wood Pellets Holding Announces Bio Fuel Plant Construction

Russian Wood Pellets Holding Announces Bio Fuel Plant Construction

Russian Wood Pellets Holding which plans the construction of about 10 large pellet manufacturing facilities on the territory of Russia embarks on the execution of the first stage of the project – the wood pellets plant is to be launched in the Nizhny Novgorod region. As the CEO of the Holding Sergei Polischuk says, the […]

Kievenergo Fights for Reduction of Gas Consumption Volume

Kievenergo Fights for Reduction of Gas Consumption Volume

Within the framework of the program on natural gas consumption reduction the public company Kievenergo is studying the possibility of turning the mini boiler houses to running on solid bio fuel (fuel pellets), — the chief executive of the public company Kievenergo Eduard Sokolocsky said. According to him, at present the energy audit of the […]

Latvia to Replace Oil with Peat and Bio Fuel

Latvia to Replace Oil with Peat and Bio Fuel

The Latvian energy industry will try to use home-produced peat instead of imported oil. According to the plan up to 30% of the total energy demand which is now met by means of oil refining will soon be redirected to using peat. Such is the plan announced by the Economy Ministry which is responsible for […]

Russian Scientists Suggest Using Silt as Raw Material for Bio Fuel

Russian Scientists Suggest Using Silt as Raw Material for Bio Fuel

The scientists of the Institute of Biophysics of SB RAS and Siberian Federal University suggested a new economical production method of bio fuel – and bio diesel fuel in particular – which quality will up to the traditional car fuel standards. Such bio diesel fuel is not toxic, is easily decomposed and has plenty of […]

One More Bio Fuel Manufacturer to Appear in Novgorod Region

One More Bio Fuel Manufacturer to Appear in Novgorod Region

This was reported by the local mass-media. However they do not specify which type of bio fuel – pellets or briquettes is to be manufactured. The new bio fuel manufacturer is JSC Kholmskaya Wood Trading Company. According to its director Nickolay Makke, the company’s primary activity is timber logging: “We get lots of wood waste […]

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