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All Boiler Houses in Irkutsk Region Start Providing Heat Supply

All Boiler Houses in Irkutsk Region Start Providing Heat Supply

All the 1077 heat sources (100%) have been put in operation in Irkutsk region, including 971 municipal ones. 26 877 houses out of 26 891 (99.9) were connected to the heat supply. The last ones in the region to be connected to the heat supply were housing and social sphere objects in the village of […]

Biggest Number of Accidents at Power Lines in Irkutsk Region Happens in Mamsko-Chuyskiy District

Biggest Number of Accidents at Power Lines in Irkutsk Region Happens in Mamsko-Chuyskiy District

The first deputy chairman of the government of the Irkutsk region Nikolay Slobodchikov ordered the management of Oblkommunenenrgo to submit their suggestions on the reconstruction of the power transmission line Slyudyankd-Sogdiondon to the government of Priangarye, as well as to finish the rerconstruction of the power transmission line Sogdiondon – Gornaya Tchuya in 2013. In […]

Bryansk Region Gets Energy Efficient Boiler House

Bryansk Region Gets Energy Efficient Boiler House

OAO Bryanskenergosbyt launched a gas boiler house with the capacity of 30 MW in the town of Seltsovo. The power engineers got into working trim the equipment of the boiler house, prepared the heat supply network and launched the boiler house. As the director of OAO Bryanskenergosbyt Oleg Nosov declares, “The boiler house is fitted […]

Energy Saving Program to be Realized in Primorye

Energy Saving Program to be Realized in Primorye

The new regional energy-saving program which has started in Primorye presupposes that the boiler houses in the region will start running on coal instead of oil fuel According to the administration of the Primorskiy Territory, at present they are executing a long-term target-oriented program “Energy-saving and energy efficiency raising in the Primorskiy Territory” which involves […]

Kievenergo Fights for Reduction of Gas Consumption Volume

Kievenergo Fights for Reduction of Gas Consumption Volume

Within the framework of the program on natural gas consumption reduction the public company Kievenergo is studying the possibility of turning the mini boiler houses to running on solid bio fuel (fuel pellets), — the chief executive of the public company Kievenergo Eduard Sokolocsky said. According to him, at present the energy audit of the […]

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