Показаны все новости по тегу ‘current transformer’

Vologdaenergo Sets New Sulfur Hexafluoride circuit breakers at Nifantovo Substation

Vologdaenergo Sets New Sulfur Hexafluoride circuit breakers at Nifantovo Substation

Within the framework of investment projects on the reconstruction of substations with the voltage class 100 kV in terms of replacing isolators and short circuitors with sulfur hexafluoride circuit breakers, Vologdaenergo mounts new equipment at the substation 110 kV Nifantovo in the Sheksna district of Vologda region. In the course of the reconstruction they will […]

Kubanenergo to Carry Out Complex Repairs of Substations 110/10 kv Efironos

Kubanenergo to Carry Out Complex Repairs of Substations 110/10 kv Efironos

The substation Efironos is the main source of power supply for the village of Rozoviy and the homestead of Sladkiy of the Labinskiy district. Besides, this substation is used for reserving the load of the substation 110/10 kv Upornaya via the technical connections 10 kv. Power engineers carried out the capital repairs of the cells […]

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