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TGK-1 Starts Reconstruction of Iovskaya HPP

TGK-1 Starts Reconstruction of Iovskaya HPP

A large-scale reconstruction of hydraulic units at the Iovskaya Hydro power Plant, which belongs to OAO TGK. The works are scheduled to be completed un full scope by 2014. Within the framework of the reconstruction of the power plant the impellers of the hydraulic units are to be replaced, as well as those of excitation […]

Tripartite Commission to Discuss Regulation of Lake Inari

Tripartite Commission to Discuss Regulation of Lake Inari

The village of Nellim on the Lake Inari saw the traditional tripartite meeting of the Finnish environmentalists and the hydropower engineers of Russia and Norway, organized by the Center for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of the Province of Lapland (Finland). In the course of the meeting the forecast of the hydrological situation in […]

Inflow of Water in Zeya River — One of Largest for Entire Period of Hydrological Observations Since 1901

Inflow of Water in Zeya River — One of Largest for Entire Period of Hydrological Observations Since 1901

During the first ten days of August, due to the large amount of rainfall, the inflow to the alignment of the Zeyskaya Hydro Power Plant reached 5.8 km ³, the reservoir level rose by 1.97 cm. For the given period the average daily inflow reached 9900 m ³ / s. Over the entire period of […]

Russia and Kyrgyzstan Prepare Agreements on Construction and Operation of Kambaratinskaya HPP-1 and Upper Narynskiy Cascade of HPP

Russia and Kyrgyzstan Prepare Agreements on Construction and Operation of Kambaratinskaya HPP-1 and Upper Narynskiy Cascade of HPP

An agreement was reached on signing the above-mentioned draft agreements by September 15, 2012 and conducting the ceremony of laying a capsule at the site of the Upper Narynskiy cascade of hydropower plants by November 1, 2012. Also, the agreement was reached on the issue of the project of reconstruction of Bishkek TPP-1, and the […]

Direct Current Board Installed at Rybinskaya Hydro Power Plant

Direct Current Board Installed at Rybinskaya Hydro Power Plant

ZAO AtomStroyEnergo Plant completed the second delivery of direct current board consisting of low voltage complete devices STELS to the Rybinskaya hydro power plant. The complete reconstruction of one of the oldest hydro power plants of Russia, located at the stations of the rivers Sheksna and Volga in the boundaries of the town of Rybinsk […]

Power Equipment at Switchyard 110/220 KW of Nizhegorodskaya Hydropower Plant to Be Replace

Power Equipment at Switchyard 110/220 KW of Nizhegorodskaya Hydropower Plant to Be Replace

The equipment of the Nizhegorodskaya hydropower plant is being replaced within the framework of the complex reconstruction of the switchyard with the voltage of 110/220 KW. In 2012 the construction and installation works are to be conducted at the four feeders of the switchyard. The project is scheduled to be completed by December 2017. Within […]

Inappropriate Operation of Cheboksary Hydroelectric Power Plant Threatens Underflooding Volga Region

Inappropriate Operation of Cheboksary Hydroelectric Power Plant Threatens Underflooding Volga Region

The inappropriate operation of Cheboksary Hydroelectric Power Plant threatens underflooding in the Volga region – the operation of the power plant above the designed mark of the dam lake may cause flooding of all the objects down the river. The village of Kokshaisk (the Republic of Marii El) is in a particularly dangerous situation: it […]

Uzbekistan Opposes Rogun HPP Construction

Uzbekistan Opposes Rogun HPP Construction

In the final declaration of the World Water Forum 2012, which took place in the French city of Marseilles and was dedicated to the issues of water supply and sanitary, there was an expression of support for the government of Uzbekistan in the issue of the Rogun hydro power plant project. The press-service of the […]

EN+ Suspends Works on Trans-Siberian Hydro Power Plant

EN+ Suspends Works on Trans-Siberian Hydro Power Plant

The works on the Trans-Siberian hydro power plant are to be suspended in the nearest future, novostienergetiki.ru report with reference to the official statement of EN+ company and World Wide Fund for Nature. The Russian office of WWF managed to sign an agreement with EN+ on carrying out the investigation on the Amur River with […]

II Exhibition/Conference HydroVision Russia to Take Place in Moscow

II Exhibition/Conference HydroVision Russia to Take Place in Moscow

From 5th to 7th of March 2012 the ExpoCenter in Moscow is to host the 2nd exhibition/conference HydroVision Russia, which is the major event in the hydro power industry. HydroVision Russia is dedicated to the development of new technologies in the hydro power sector and is held in cooperation with Russia Power. This year event […]

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