Показаны все новости по тегу ‘power consumption’

Power Consumption in Chuvashia Rises by 55 Times for 55 Years

Power Consumption in Chuvashia Rises by 55 Times for 55 Years

On September 26 2012 the power system of Chuvashia celebrates its anniversary – 55 years since it was established. During this period the electrical energy consumption in the region has risen by 55 times – from 95 million kvh a year to 5.26 billion kvh. 55 years ago the enterprise “Energosbyt” was given over the […]

Chuvash Power Supply Company: Hockey Contributes to Increase in Power Consumption

Chuvash Power Supply Company: Hockey Contributes to Increase in Power Consumption

The Chuvash power supply company reports the increase in the electricity consumption during the semi-final and the final of the World Hockey Championship – 2012 (it took place on May 19-20 in Finland). According to the information from the company, during the broadcast of the semi-final, in which the Russian team played with the Czech […]

Restrictions From Electricity Consumers on Choice of Power Supplier Lifted

Restrictions From Electricity Consumers on Choice of Power Supplier  Lifted

The restrictions on choosing the electricity supplier are lifted from the electricity consumers, the compensation payments for small and medium consumers are an exception. As the prime-minister of the Russian Federation Vladmir Putin says, such provisions are included into the new rules for the retail electrical energy market.

Increase in Electricity Consumption in Novosibirsk Region in March 2012 Comprises 1417.1 Million KWh

Increase in Electricity Consumption in Novosibirsk Region in March 2012 Comprises 1417.1 Million KWh

The results of the statistical research show that in March 2012 the electricity consumption in Novosibirsk region grew by 1.2% compared to the consumption in March 2011 and comprised 1417.1 million KWh. The energy system of Novosibirsk region in March 2012 generated 1383.8 million KWh, which is by 2.1% more than the same parameter in […]

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