Increase in Electricity Consumption in Novosibirsk Region in March 2012 Comprises 1417.1 Million KWh

The results of the statistical research show that in March 2012 the electricity consumption in Novosibirsk region grew by 1.2% compared to the consumption in March 2011 and comprised 1417.1 million KWh.
The energy system of Novosibirsk region in March 2012 generated 1383.8 million KWh, which is by 2.1% more than the same parameter in March 2011.
For the period from January to March 2012 the power olants of Novosibirsk region generated 4249.4 million KWh of electrical energy, which is by 4.6% more than the amount of generated electricity for the first three months of 2011. The growth in the electrical energy production for the first quarter of the current year comprised 3.4% not regarding the yield in the additional day of the leap year of 2012.
The director of the Novosibirsk Regional Dispatching Office (RDO) Alexander Ershov claims that “The changes in the consumption of electrical energy in March 2012 was caused by the increase in appliance load and the increase in the power plants’ consumption for their internal needs in connection with the increase in production”.
According to the operational data of the specialists in the branch of OJSC TSO UES of the Novosibirsk RDO of the regional energy system of the consumption of the electrical energy in the energy system of the region in the period from January to March comprises 4478.7 million KWh, which means that the volumes of consumption rose by 3.1% against the volumes of the same period on 2011. The given data do not take into account the influence of the additional day of the leap year, which means that the growth in electrical energy consumption comprises 1.9%.
In the period from January to March 2012 229.3 million KWh was received via the interconnection lines, the reception via the interstate lines comprised 175.6 million KWh. In March 33.3 million KWh were received via the interconnection lines, and 55.2 million KWh of electrical energy – via the interstate lines.

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