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Development of RER to Lower Electricity Prices in Long Term Perspective

Development of RER to Lower Electricity Prices in Long Term Perspective

After completing the payoff period of the RER-project the net cost of electrical energy generated by RER-based sources decreases sharply, as in most alternative energy technologies there is no fuel constituent. The installed capacity of RES generation in the world (without large HPPs) reached 390 GW by 2011, satisfying 8.2% of global electrical energy demand. […]

Installation of Wind Power Complex Starts in Tuguro-Chumikaskiy Dsitrict of Khabarovsk Territory

Installation of Wind Power Complex Starts in Tuguro-Chumikaskiy Dsitrict of Khabarovsk Territory

“So far the village is getting electricity from five diesel generators of the autonomous power plant, which runs on masut”, — the head of the communal energy industry and gas infrastructure department at the Communal Utilities Ministry of the Khabarovsk Territory Vladimir Orlov says “To enable their failure-free operation in the navigation period we have […]

First Solar Modules and Wind Generator Installed at Cordon of Itkul Lake

First Solar Modules and Wind Generator Installed at Cordon of Itkul Lake

The hybrid installation of alternative energy sources, including a wind generator and solar panels has been mounted at the cordon of the Lake Itkul in the nature reserve Khakasskiy. Mouning of the complete cycle of the system was started at the end of September and is going on in several stages, power generation started in […]

Solar Power Park to be Built in Zhambylskaya Region of Kazakhstan

Solar Power Park to be Built in Zhambylskaya Region of Kazakhstan

Natural and climatic condition of Zhambylskaya region are characterized with considerable energy potential for using renewable energy sources and constructing solar power plants, wind generators and small scale hydropower plants. As a result of joint agreements a memorandum of cooperation in the sphere of development and construction of solar power park was signed between the […]

Capacity of Renewable Energy Sources in RAO ES of East Comprises 300 KW

Capacity of Renewable Energy Sources in RAO ES of East Comprises 300 KW

In 2013 the company is planning to build three solar power plants in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and two wind diesel complexes in Kamchatka Territory. OAO RAO Energy Systems of East present long-term plans on the development of renewable energy sources projects in the Far Eastern Federal District within the framework of the conference […]

Volgograd Region to Develop Alternative Energy

Volgograd Region to Develop Alternative Energy

The prospects and possibilities of using renewable energy resources (RER) were discussed at the open seminar “Renewable energy resources as a base for energy supply”. The meeting, which took place in the Volgograd State Agrarian University, started with the presentation of a demonstration zone, where the samples of renewable energy sources were shown: a steamdrop […]

Share of Renewable Energy in Russia is No Bigger Than 1%, No Change Expected in Short-Term Perspective

Share of Renewable Energy in Russia  is No Bigger Than 1%, No Change Expected in Short-Term Perspective

Renewable energy in Russia is developing slowly and is not very popular due to the vast deposits of hydrocarbons and the development of other types of power generation. This was the viewpoint shared by the participants of the online-conference of the Center of Energy Expertise: The head of the Energy Development foundation Sergei Pikin (Russia) […]

Russia Plans to Increase Renewable Energy Sources Share in its Power Capacity to 4.5%

Russia Plans to Increase Renewable Energy Sources Share in its Power Capacity to 4.5%

The delegation of the Republic of Belarus has visited the Belgorod region with the working visit. The objective of the visit is exchanging experience, getting to know renewable energy sources, installed in the region, and discussing the ways of cooperation of the two countries in the sphere of renewable energy. First the guests visited the […]

Сo-generation plant White Spring Gets RER-Object Status

Сo-generation plant White Spring Gets RER-Object Status

At present it is only three power facilities in Russia that have the status of the renewable energy resource object, and a co-generation plant White Spring is the only qualified power plant, which runs on bio mass. The industrial co-generation plant White Spring uses the waste products of wood processing complex of the Vologda region […]

First Russian Industrial Biogas Plant Completes Qualification Procedure

First Russian Industrial Biogas Plant Completes Qualification Procedure

In Belgorod region AltEnergo Company became the first one in Russia to obtain a qualifying certificate for a generating facility, which runs on biogas technologies – the biogas power plant Luchki. The first industrial biogas plant in the country with the installed capacity of 2400 kW was built in the Prokhorovskiy district of Belgorod region […]

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