At present it is only three power facilities in Russia that have the status of the renewable energy resource object, and a co-generation plant White Spring is the only qualified power plant, which runs on bio mass. The industrial co-generation plant White Spring uses the waste products of wood processing complex of the Vologda region […]
“It will take some time for the technologies in alternative energy to reach the cost, which would allow it to be competitive compared to the heat generation”, the general director of DTEK Maksim Timchenko believes. According to him, DTEK is striving the leadership not only in the traditional but also in the renewable energy industry. […]
In Belgorod region AltEnergo Company became the first one in Russia to obtain a qualifying certificate for a generating facility, which runs on biogas technologies – the biogas power plant Luchki. The first industrial biogas plant in the country with the installed capacity of 2400 kW was built in the Prokhorovskiy district of Belgorod region […]
“In the nearest future 130-150 bio plants with the capacity of 230-250 MW will be built in the Belgorod region”, — said the head of Altenergo company, the deputy of the Belgorod regional Duma Viktor Filatov. A grand opening of the biogas plant “Luchki” belonging to the company Altenergo took place in the Prokhorovskiy district. […]
Within the framework of the investment program of the geothermal power plants of OAO Geotherm the A-2 hole was reconstructed, a new hole Geo 2 was bored and commissioned, the two vacuum liquid-packed ring pumps were replaced. With the aim of raising the efficiency of the air condenser unit the work has been started on […]
The prospects of bio energy development are stipulated by the availability of technical potential of the biomass energy – in the Altai Territory if is estimated at 0.3 million tons of reference fuel a year. The agreement on the co-operation in the sphere of bio energy on the territory of the Altai region was signed […]
42 monocrystallic basic pilot cell modules, installed on the roof of the education and lab building of the ENU named after L.N. Gumilev, provide power supply for the inner grid of the building. The total promised capacity of the installation is 12 350 kvh a year. Speaking to the participants of the opening ceremony for […]
The solar modules are generating electricity for the most Eastern border of the Nalychevskiy nature park – “Cape Nalychev”. “This is the first latrge-scale project dedicated to the stand-alone power generation at the conservation area of Kamchatka”, — says the director of the nature park Volcanoes of Kamchatka Viktor Komarov. “Solar power is a reasonable […]
Russia’s commitment is to deliver 22 kilometers of conductors on the basis of over than 90 tons of superconducting Nb3Sn strands for TF coils windings and 11 kilometers of conductors on the basis of 40 tons o superconducting NbTi strands for poloidal field coils windings of the ITER Magnet Structure. The ITER Magnet Structure, the […]
The Mutnovsky geothermal power plants have the maintenance campaign with the costs exceeding 41 million rubles completed. A special attention is paid to the main and auxiliary equipment used in the generation of electricity. Due to the professional work of the technical staff of the station and the contractors all the works were completed ahead […]