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Development of RER to Lower Electricity Prices in Long Term Perspective

Development of RER to Lower Electricity Prices in Long Term Perspective

After completing the payoff period of the RER-project the net cost of electrical energy generated by RER-based sources decreases sharply, as in most alternative energy technologies there is no fuel constituent. The installed capacity of RES generation in the world (without large HPPs) reached 390 GW by 2011, satisfying 8.2% of global electrical energy demand. […]

Panel Coolers Are Being Upgraded at Verkhne-Mutnovskaya GeoPP

Panel Coolers Are Being Upgraded at Verkhne-Mutnovskaya GeoPP

Within the framework of the investment program of the geothermal power plants of OAO Geotherm the A-2 hole was reconstructed, a new hole Geo 2 was bored and commissioned, the two vacuum liquid-packed ring pumps were replaced. With the aim of raising the efficiency of the air condenser unit the work has been started on […]

RusHydro to Obtain Half a Billion Rubles of Dividends from Krasnoyarskaya Hydro Power Plant

RusHydro to Obtain Half a Billion Rubles of Dividends from Krasnoyarskaya Hydro Power Plant

RusHydro Group, which owns the blocking holding of shares of OAO “Krasnoyarskaya HPP” is to obtain 500 million rubles as dividends summing up the results of 2011 from their investment into the shares of the company. In compliance with the decision of the annual general meeting of shareholders of OAO “Krasnoyarskaya HPP”, which took place […]

Almost 1.5 Billion of Budget Money and About 1 Million of RusHydro Shares to be Invested into Gotsatlinskaya Hydro Power Plant in Dagestan

Almost 1.5 Billion of Budget Money and About 1 Million of RusHydro Shares to be Invested into Gotsatlinskaya Hydro Power Plant in Dagestan

The Energy Ministry of the Russian Federation, RusHydro and Rosimushchestvo (the Federal Property Management Agency) took a decision to make additional investment into the extension of the Gotsatlinskaya hydro power plant in Dagestan. It has been decided to allocate for the construction of the hydro power plant about 1.5 billion rubles (the exact amount is […]

Inappropriate Operation of Cheboksary Hydroelectric Power Plant Threatens Underflooding Volga Region

Inappropriate Operation of Cheboksary Hydroelectric Power Plant Threatens Underflooding Volga Region

The inappropriate operation of Cheboksary Hydroelectric Power Plant threatens underflooding in the Volga region – the operation of the power plant above the designed mark of the dam lake may cause flooding of all the objects down the river. The village of Kokshaisk (the Republic of Marii El) is in a particularly dangerous situation: it […]

Hydro Power Plants of Volzhsko-Kamskiy Cascade to Face Difficulties During Flood Inflow

Hydro Power Plants of Volzhsko-Kamskiy Cascade to Face Difficulties During Flood Inflow

The hydro power plants situated in different corners of Russia are preparing for one of the most difficult periods in their work – the spring flood period. Novoskienergetiki.ru report that the first ones to face the ‘big water’ this year are the hydro power plants of the Volzhsko-Kamskiy Cascade. It is this Cascade of HPPs […]

Hydroelectric generating set-7 of Novosibirskaya Hydro Power Plant Starts Operation after Capital Overhaul

Hydroelectric generating set-7  of Novosibirskaya Hydro Power Plant Starts Operation after Capital Overhaul

OAO RusHydro commissioned the seventh hydroelectric generating set of the Novosibirskaya hydro power plant after the capital overhaul, the hydro-generating company reports. As the press-release says that the overhaul of the hydroelectric set was made within the framework of the program of preparation towards the spring flood, which was started at the Novosibirskaya hydro power […]

Fourth Hydroelectric Set of Chirkeyskaya Hydro Power Plant in Dagestan Put in Operation After Overhaul

Fourth Hydroelectric Set of Chirkeyskaya Hydro Power Plant in Dagestan Put in Operation After Overhaul

OAO RusHydro put in operation the fourth hydroelectric set of the Chirkeyskaya HPP in Dagestan, the company’s press-release says. In the course of 8-month repair works at the hydroelectric set with the installed capacity of 250 MW the power transformer was fixed, the impeller and the rotor were rolled out, the turbine cover holder was […]

RusHydro Buys 27.21% of Yakutskenergo

RusHydro Buys 27.21% of Yakutskenergo

ОАО Federal Hydrogenerating company RusHydro bought 27.21% of OAO Yakutskenergo shares. This is announced in the statement of RusHydro, the press-service of which refused to name the source of obtaining the batch of shares. Presumably the shares used to belong to two Cyprus off-shore companies Madake Enterprises Company Limited and Donalink Limited, the beneficiaries of […]

Lay-out of Upper Subansiri Water Power Development Chosen

Lay-out of Upper Subansiri Water Power Development Chosen

Upper Subansiri is to be constructed as a barrage power station – this solution suggested by the experts of Institute Hydroproject (OAO Rushydro) was taken at the seventh coordination meeting in the city of Hyderabad (India), in which both the management of the Indian company KSK Energy Ventures Limited and the representatives of the project […]

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