Показаны все новости по тегу ‘solar panels’

Solar Panels in Ukraine to Become Cheaper by 20%

Solar Panels in Ukraine to Become Cheaper by 20%

Ukraine has introduced tax advantages for the manufacturers of equipment which is used in the renewable energy sector. This will enable reducing the wholesale prices on end products including solar panels approximately by 20%. It has become known that on September 28 saw the confirmation of a list of Ukrainian manufactured products, 80% of sales […]

Over 30 Projects of Renewable Energy Development Considered in Odessa Region

Over 30 Projects of Renewable Energy Development Considered in Odessa Region

This year the authorities of the Odessa region intends to launch more than 30 renewable energy projects on-site. The vice-chairman of the Odessa Regional Administration Alexander Malinin said that the total capacity of the solar energy projects both planned and being executed at the moment at the territory of the Odessa region already exceeds 240 […]

Moscow Parks to be Illuminated by Solar Energy?

Moscow Parks to be Illuminated by Solar Energy?

The parks in Moscow may soon be equipped with special type of lanterns which would run on solar batteries. Such lighting of the park territory is described in the project which is being developed by the Department for Fuel and Energy Economy of Moscow Government. The press-service of the Department has told the journalists that […]

Moscow Parks to be Illuminated by Solar Energy?

Moscow Parks to be Illuminated by Solar Energy?

The parks in Moscow may soon be equipped with special type of lanterns which would run on solar batteries. Such lighting of the park territory is described in the project which is being developed by the Department for Fuel and Energy Economy of Moscow Government. The press-service of the Department has told the journalists that […]

Anapa to Get ‘Solar’ Railway Station

Anapa to Get ‘Solar’ Railway Station

The performance specification of the solar panels installation in the railway station of the city of Anapa has been completed. The department of engineering policy informs that the competitive tendering on this project execution is most likely to take place early in 2012. After it has been finished it will be possible to speak more […]

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