Tajikistan Sees No Alternative to Russian Fuel

The government of Tajikistan thinks that they have no alternative to the fuel deliveries form the Russian Federation so far. Zeyniddin Mahmudov, the head of the cooperation with CIS-countries department at the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development of Tajikistan said that ‘Right now Tajikistan cannot import fuel and lubricants in necessary volumes from any other country but Russia’.

‘The negotiation process with the Russian Federation concerning the export customs duties cancellation is in progress but recently fuel has unfortunately turned into political merchandise’. — Mahmudiv pointed out.

At present Tajikistan sees a jump in gasoline prices. The main player of the Tajik fuel and lubricants market – the Gazprom-Oil Tadjikistan Company has stopped selling the high-octane Ai-95 and Ai-92 gasoline at its filling stations. With the view of the fall agricultural works the government of the Russian Federation has imposed restrictions on oil products export. Because of this Gazprom-Oil Tajikistan which is the main oil products supplier to the territory of Tajikistan was not able import the necessary amount of fuel into the country.
At the same time the efforts of the Tajikistan authorities aimed at finding the alternative markets of fuel deliveries, in particular – from Turkmenistan, have not been fruitful so far.

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