After more than two-year break Transnefteproduct resumed the Ai-92 gasoline deliveries to Kazakhstan from the Ufa-based group of plants belonging to Bashneft via the oil products pipeline division Ufa-Omsk.
Fuel transfer is being carried out through the pipeline operation control station “Petropavlovsk”, which is situated in the responsibility zone of OAO Uraltransnefteproduct.
There is an agreement in principle between Transnefteproduct and Bashneft companies on the transportation of Ai-92 gasoline via this division in the volume of up to 50 000 tons a month.
In September this year the volumes of Ai-92 scheduled for transportation are to comprise up to 30 000 tons.
It should be reminded that in 2010 the system of oil products pipelines of OAO Transnefteproduct was used by the Ufa-based group of plants in Kazakhstan to transport fuel (gasoline and diesel fuel) in the volume of 40-50 thousand tons a month.
The pipeline deliveries of fuel to Kazakhstan were stopped in November 2010 due to the fact that the department of customs control in the North-Caucasian region stopped to confirm the support documentation, necessary for handling the import shipments, because the pipeline operation control station in Petropavlovsk did not have any metering devices.
After the pipeline deliveries were stopped Bashneft shipped fuel to Kazakhstan directly from the plant and from the pipeline operation control station “Chelyabinsk” (which is in the responsibility zone of OAO Uraltransnefteproduct) via the railroad in the volume of up to 30-50 thousand tons a month.
Метки: oil porducts pipeline, oil products, Transnefteproduct, Башнефть
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