Water Economizer Replaced at Prymorskaya State District Power Plant

Water Economizer

Water Economizer

Large-scale repair works will allow to improve the technical and economical parameters of the cogeneration-based district heating unit #9, which is used for heating the village of Luxhegorsk.

At present the capital repairs of the generating unit #9 with the capacity of 215 Mw is in progress.

At the same time a lot of work is being done in the reconstruction of the third chimney flue and the external gas flues of unit 9. These are very important repairs for the power plant in terms of its preparation to the coming autumn-winter period 2012-2013.

In the rest of the main and the auxiliary equipment of the power plant the current repair works are being conducted.

All the generating units of the Primorskaya state district power plant will undergo preparation for the winter season, the press-service of OAO Far-Eastern generating company reports.

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