Wholesale prices in Amur River Region Falling for 3 Weeks

Gasoline and diesel prices at the wholesale market of the Amur region has fallen approximately by 2 and 4 percent respectively during the week, at the same time the retail prices remain stable, the representative of the regional office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Nadezhda Golovina said on Tuesday this week.
Downward price movement at the wholesale oil product market has already been going on in the Amur region for three weeks in a row. Thus, the low-octane gasoline and diesel fuel prices at the wholesale market of the region have gone down by 3 per cent on average.
“The weekly price monitoring showed that this time the changes included one of the high-octane gasoline types. The decrease in release price for AI-92 gasoline comprised 4.34 percent for one ton. The price for A76 (80) fell down by 2.47 percent and comprises from 32.3 thousand rubles to 34.46 thousand rubles per one ton”, Nadezhda Golovina said adding that the wholesale prices for AI 95 gasoline have not changed.
The cost of diesel fuel at the wholesale market for the same period fell by 1.86 percent, the price dispersion reached the level of 29.6 thousand to 31.7 thousand rubles per one ton.

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