Yantarenergo Tries Method of Electrical Grids Assessment Smart Grid Maturity Model

The innovative method of the assessment of electrical grid readiness to the level of Smart Grid technology (active adaptive grid smart type grid) have been tested in Kaliningrad by the Yantarenergo company. The method called SGMM — Smart Grid Maturity Model was tested by the Kaliningrad power engineers in the course of the first exchange of experience and technological practices between the power industry professionals of Russia and the USA at the second workshop on ‘smart’ grids, which took place in Kaliningrad. The event was attended by the Russian power engineers from Yantarenergo and the delegates of the American Carnegie Mellon University.

The second workshop was dedicated by the analysis of what can be expected of the Smart Grid Maturity Model. The stages of its introduction were considered and the integral picture of what the power grids are to become after the upgrade – after three and five years.


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