YPGC Evaluates First and Only Electric Car Yekaterinburg and in Urals Federal District

At present, the electric car, acquired by OJSC «Yekaterinburg Power Grid Company», is being actively exploited by the staff of the company. So far, the car is being used by the employees of the Department of Financial Planning at YPGC for their business travel.

An electric car was purchased by YPGC in order to test it in the Smart Grid system. This is an intelligent, fully automated system that can perform self-diagnosis, accounting and even distribution of the volume of generation and consumption of electricity during the day. In the smart environments of the Smart Grid there will also be a place for the environmental technologies such as electric transport. Consequently, the car is positioned by the company not as an innovative exhibit of the future, but as a vehicle which is absolutely suitable for travelling around the city in the usual way.

The employees who at least once traveled in the electric car, speak about its undoubted superiority over the previous generation of cars. The main advantages — the absence of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and much less noise than with gasoline and diesel engines. According to the staff of YPGC, these benefits of electric vehicles will be of interest primarily to people thinking about the ecology of the urban environment. Moreover, the interior comfort of the innovative car in no way inferior to the that of the cars we are used to. All the gadgets, which could be required by the pickiest traveler, are incorporated in it.

The employees of YPGC are given a wonderful opportunity to be the first to use the innovative car and share positive experiences with their colleagues and friends, as long as this one is the only electric car in the city and in the whole of the Ural Federal District so far.

The active exploitation of the innovative vehicle is the first but important step of YPGC in the development of Smart Smart Grid. The further implementation of the power grid company’s plans to create an intelligent environment in Ekaterinburg depends on its success.

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