YPGC Records Maximum Power Consumption in July

On July 17 the specialists of JSC «Yekaterinburg Power Grid Company» recorded the maximum level of electricity demand in the grids for the current month. It was 800 MW at an air temperature of 32 degrees.
The mean of energy consumption in July is 773 MW. The maximum power consumption is primarily due to the high air temperatures, because the consumer fell it necessary to use air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration at work and at home.

It should be noted that each year the natural growth of energy consumption occurs. This is due to the active development of the city, and therefore to the new consumers being connected to the network of «YPGC». Thus, the average energy consumption in July 2012 exceeds the same parameters of 2011 and 2010 by 13% . As to the maximum rate in July 2012, it exceeds that of 2011 by 15% and by 16% — the parameter of 2010.

«The volume of electricity consumed increases. JSC «YPGC» always controls the quality of power supply, so the electric company’s grids, operate in normal mode even in an abnormally high temperature. Field service teams of «YPGC» are on duty around the clock, so that in case of an emergency situation they quickly arrive at the scene to discover the causes and eliminate them, «- says Dmitri Pomeranian, the deputy chief engineer of JSC» YPGC «.

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