Gaszprom Neft Floats Complete 10 Million Stock of Bonds

Gazprom Neft which enters the top-5 largest Russian oil companies has fully floated 10-year bonds of the eleventh series with the total cost of 10 million rubles, the representative of the company’s press-service reported.

“If we talk about the bonds of the eleventh series – yes, they are fully floated”, — the representative said.
Gazprom Neft reported on Monday that the demand for their bonds exceeded 27 billion rubles. The bid book for the bonds of the eleventh series for the amount of 10 billion rubles was closed on February 2. The bond sale is scheduled for February 7. The rate of the first coupon comprised 8,25% per annum (the rate of return – 8, 42%).

“This deal became the first market placement of the corporate borrower in 2012 and was accepted by the investment community with great interest. The total quantity of Gazprom Neft bonds demanded exceeded 27 billion rubles, which is a triple oversubscription”, — the acting CEO on Economics and Finance of Gazprom Neft Alexey Yankevich in quoted saying.

The organizers of the sale are VTB Capital and Gazprombank.
At present Gazprom Neft bonds of BO-05 and BO-06 for the amount of 20 billion rubles and five issues of regular bonds for the total amount of 48 billion rubles are in circulation.

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