Belarus to Raise Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Prices Again

There is an inside information from the Belorussian energy concern Belneftekhim, there is a plan to lift the fuel and oil products prices in the country starting from December 1. The possible price rise will comprise about 10%. However the official representatives of the state company Belneftekhim itself do not comment on this information.

It is worth reminding that not so long ago, on November 10 2011 Belneftekhim (for the 9th time this year) raised the retail sales prices for diesel fuel in the filling stations network by 7.3%, for gasoline – by 3%.
Belarus produces very little oil of its own, the main volume of it is purchased from Russia – without paying export duties. The budget of the Russian Federation receives only the export duties of the oil products which Belarus manufactured from the Russian oil and sold outside the boundaries of the Customs Union.

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