1 Billion Rubles to be Spent on Nizhegorodskaya Nuclear Power Plant Construction in 2012

The planned financing of the Nizhnegorodskaya NPP construction for 2012 is 1 billion rubles. Such news was announced by the director of JSC Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company «Atomenergoproekt», interim president of CJSC Atomstroyexport Valeriy Limarenko at the press-conference in Nizhniy Novgorod on December 22.

According to him, starting from 2012 NNECAEP is to start full scale engineering design of the Nizhegorodskaya nuclear power plant and in the middle of the year they are planning to embark on enablement works. The project presentation is scheduled for 2013 and the same year the active phase of the plant construction is to start.

Valeriy Limarenko reminded that the framework of the first phase at the Nizhegorodskaya nuclear power plant includes the construction of two power generating units with the capacity of 1200 MW each, the first one to be commissioned in 2019, the second one – 2021.

As a whole the construction project of the Nizhegorodskaya nuclear power plant includes four power generating units the last of which is to be commissioned in 2030.Mr Limarenko also pointed out that the Nizhegorodskaya NPP will for the first time see the implementation of WWER TOI (typical optimized-and-informatization) project. According to him on December 8 Rosatom chose the Nizhegorodskaya NPP as a site for WWER-TOI project.

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