Power engineers of Ryazan Preparing Region for winter Season: Maintenance Overhaul Needed!

Russian Power Grid Companies are having a hot season: the power engineers are preparing for the coming fall-winter season. One of the factors which predetermines a successful ‘wintering’ is a power facilities maintenance overhaul carried out in due time. For instance the press-service of Ryazanenergo reports on September 19 2011 that within the framework of the preparation to the fall-winter season of 2011-2012 the Ryazan electrical grids – the subdivision of Ryazanenergo – have finished the maintenance overhaul of 16 power transmission lines with the voltage of 0.4-10 kV, which supply with electricity over 1000 residents of the population centers such as Mishino, Pushkari, Zikeevo, Pomozovo, Kamorino, Fedorovka, Anino, Obolenki, Klasson and others as well as delivering electricity to the socially significant facilities — water towers, schools, large agricultural enterprises.

In the course of repairs 239 transmission towers and 576 insulators were replaced, the maintenance overhaul of 27 package transformer substations was made, 11 ha of tracks in the guard band of power transmission lines 0.4-10 kV. At present the Mikhailovsky distribution zone continues its active preparation for the fall-winter period with the aim of securing stable and quality electricity supply for its clients.

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