Alexey Miller – # 1 Influential Person in Russian Fuel & Energy Complex

Alexery Miller has been recognized the most influential person in the fuel and energy complex in Russia.

During the first working week of September the Russian Agency of Political and Economic Commucations (APEC) published the latest rating, which evaluates the degree of the influence of key persons in the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation. The honorable first place was given to the head of Gazprom Alexey Miller.

How did Miller manage to beat such recognized “bisons” of the Russian energy industry as Igor Sechin (third place), Vagit Alekperov (“silver medal”), Oleg Deripaska (10th place) and Gennady Timzhenko (a mere 4th place).

The analysts of the Agency explain this by the fact that under the management of Miller Gazprom has the biggest and most serious prospects for the future. Thus, in the course of the APEC summit-2012, which had opened in Vladivostok, there are expectations for signing the contract between OAO Gazprom and the Japanese companies Japan Petroleum Exploration Co and Itochu Corp. On the construction of the liquefied natural gas producing plant in Primorye, which would allow to significantly broaden the possibilities of LNG deliveries to the Asian-Pacific region.

The experts also noted the successful construction of the gas pipeline South Stream. Not so long ago in the course of its visit to Bulgaria the Gazprom delegation has signed the minutes with the Bulgarian Energy Holding, which regulates the works on the South Stream construction of the Bulgarian territory.
The colleagues of Alexey Miller, according to APEC experts, cannot boast such success.

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