Electricity Consumption in Russia Rose from January to October by 1.1%

The electricity consumption in the period from January to October on the whole territory of Russia comprised 828.3 billion KWh (which is by 1.1 more than for the same period of 2010) including the Unified Energy Systems which consumed 811.28 billion KWh (which is by 1.1 more than for the same period of 2010).
Since the beginning of 2011 the electricity production on the whole territory of Russia comprised 843.63 billion KWh which is by 1.4 more than in January-February of 2010. The electricity production in the UES of Russia for the ten months of 2011 made up 826.61 billion KWh of electrical power which is also by 1.4% more than for the same period of 2010.
The main job of securing the electricity demand in the UES if Russia in the ten months of 2011 was done by combined heat and power plants the electricity yield from which comprised 509.41 billion KWh which is by 2.4% more than in January to October 2010. The yield of hydro power plants for the same period comprised 130.30 billion KWh (by 3% more than for the same period of 2010). The electricity yield form captive power plants was 47.12 billion KWh (by 4.3% more than the parameters of January-October period of 2010).

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