Employees of Belgorodenergo Install 60 thousand ‘clever’ energy meters

The engineers of the IDGC of Center branch – Belgorodenergo installed a ‘jubilee’ intelligent energy metering device # 60 000. The owner of the ‘clever’ meter is the resident of the Bessonovka village in Belgorod region Sergei Buzina.

“I regularly watch TV, read newspapers and I am in the know of all changes that take place in different spheres of public life including housing and communal services. I know that our whole country and our region are aiming at reasonable economy – energy saving and energy efficiency. That’s why I am happy to have this ‘clever’ metering device. It will help me save my money. Besides it allows taking readings remotely”, — Sergei Ivanovich points out.

The intelligent meters of the computer-based system of commercial energy accounting have been installed in the region since 2008 within the framework of the investment program of Belgorodenergo and the execution of the project of metering devices base upgrade. On August 4 the number of meters in the region reached 60 thousand. It is worth mentioning that Belgorod district already has 16 thousand of meters of this kind.

Intelligent meters are characterized by high accuracy rating, the service life up to 40 years and all the possibilities for voltage level monitoring in the network as well as the monitoring the total capacity of all electrical appliances in operation. They can meter energy separately per part of a day as well as provide every half an hour/hour metering. All this leads to electricity expenditure reduction and gives the customer the possibility of acting according to the principle: “count-save-pay”. The meter also has a very ergonomic look: a convenient display shows all the energy consumption modes. Besides, the new metering device can bear the current intensity of up to 50A.

The power engineers who carry out distant monitoring of metering devices data have the possibility of analyzing the volume of energy consumption and impose limitation on negligent payers without actually coming to their place. As the head of the energy metering department of the JSC IDGC of Center branch – Belgorodenergo Andrey Kuvshinov, during the seven onths of 2011 a lot of intelligent meters have been installed. It is connected with the fact that the customers became more interested in the technologies that help to save energy. And new meters give this possibility. “Besides, there is a possibility to control your energy consumption level. This way you can save not only money but also nonrenewable resources, which include electricity as well”, — he emphasized.

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