Gazprom Neft Board of Directors Considers Acquisition of Kazakhstan Sonol Invest

The company reports that the board of directors of JSC Gazprom Neft considers the issue of acquisition of Kazakhstan “Sonol Invest Ltd.”
The agenda has one single point: JSC Gazprom Neft Kazakhstan purchases 100% of equity of “Sonol Invest Ltd.”
The press service of Primu company explains that Sonol Invest disposes of four fuel stations in Kazakhstan, i.e. three in Astana, one in the Aklominskaya oblast.
JSC Gazprom Neft Kazakhstan is the official dealer of JSC Gazprom Neft in Kazakhstan. The enterprise provides wholesale, small scale wholesale and retail of oil products, produced by the Omsk oil refinery. Gazprom Neft Kazakhstan manages the network of 20 fuel stations branded as Gazprom Neft and ten regional offices.

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