IDGC of North-West to Invest Over 270 000 000 Rubles into Research&Development

IDGC of North-South is to invest over 272 100 000 rubles into research & development in 20-12, the chief engineer of the company Georgy Turlon announces.
Besides, according to the investment project of the revised program this year IDGC of North-West is planning to invest 2% of its revenue into R&D, and starting from 013 – 2.5%. “We have plenty of new ideas, lots of stuff to patent. We have already submitted the first application and are planning to obtain a patent in the nearest future”, — Georgiy Turlov points out. Some pilot samples of new engineering developments have already shown good results in operation. This year IDGC of North0West are planning to start using twenty R&D projects

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