Kuzbassenergo – Distribution Zone Contributes to GeoGrid Marking its Power Grid Facilities on Common GPS-Map

The branch of OAO IDGC of Siberia — Kuzbassenergo-Distribution Zone started the execution of the project GeoGrid. Such system which implies geographical layout of the information from the database on the electronic map by means of entering there GPS-position data of power grid facilities will increase the efficiency of decision-making while organizing and carrying out accident recovery works in distribution grids.

According to the experts’ estimate, the implementation of this technology will enable analyzing the data which would be impossible to assess by conventional means of data processing. The ability of the system to make spatial requests and search in the database, define the routes to the places of technological failures will enable increasing the efficiency of accident recovery world as well as more careful scheduling of repair and maintenance activities.

Be the end of this year the specialists of Kuzbassenergo-Distribution Zone are to add to the GeoGrids database the GPS-coordinates of power grid facilities (substations, power transmission lines) with the voltage up to 10 thousand Volts. After that the database will be updated with the facilities of higher voltage class.


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