MUEGC Builds New 110/10 KW Substation in Greater Moscow Area

The branch of the Moscow United Electric Grids Company — Eastern Electrical Grids – embarked on the construction of the new facility of the electrical grid complex – the 110/10 KW substation Polyanka, reports with the reference to the press-service of the company. The new substation is being built in the Istrinskiy district of the Moscow region.
At present the construction site has already been fenced, the basement for the closed distribution gear 10 KW has been constructed, two power transformers 110/10 (with the capacity of 25 MVA each) and the multifaceted metal pylons are being installed to provide electricity transit via the power transmission towers 100 KW.
The precomissioning works at the new substation are scheduled for the fourth quarter of the current year.

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