Nizhegorodskaya Retail Electricity Company to Obtain Loans of 1.5 Billion Rubles.

The Bank of Moscow which enters the top largest banks of the Russian Federation is to accommodate Nizhegorodskaya retail electricity company with loans of 1.540 billion rubles for a term of up to 18 month, the bans statement reports.

The funds will be directed to financing the current activities of the company.

Nizhegorodskaya retail electricity company is the largest energy-supplying organization of the region, the guaranteed electricity supply company in the Nizhni Novgorod Region. The company controls 53.3% of the electricity retail market in the Nizhni Novgorod Region, provides its services for 28.7 thousand legal persons and 1.312 million natural persons. Since May 2007 the majority shareholder of the company is OOO Transneftservice S.


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