Permenergo Executes Distribution Substation Overhaul

Extensive repairs have been carried out by the local subdivision of the Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the Ural Permenergo in the substations 34-110 kV Kyn, Polazna, Kochevo, Pozhva, Gornozavodskaya, Mertelovo, Nikiforovo situated in the Lysbensky, Dobryansky, Kochevsky, Yusvensky, Gornozavodsky and Chusovsky districts of the Perm Territory.

Within the framework of the repair program 328 transformer substations and distribution centers, power transmission lines 6-110 kV with the total length of one thousand four hundred km have been repaired, the route of the power transmission line 6-110 kV with the total area of about one thousand nine hundred ha has been brushed.

The total amount of repair investment of Permenergo makes up over forty four million rubles. For the eight month if this year three hundred seven million eighty thousand rubles have been spent on the execution of the investment program of the repairs of the Perm substations.

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